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My 10lb 14oz baby!!!!

I’ve had another baby!!! A little, ok not so little, boy called William. He was a whopping 10lb 14oz. I don’t think I'd ever heard of anyone having such an eye-wateringly big baby. Our eldest boy, Edward, has taken to being a big brother so well, I couldn’t be prouder. I was a little bit nervous about having a newborn again and going through the sleepless nights, nappies and bottles that I remembered from the first time. This time has been so different, I’m so much more chilled out and trying to really soak in every little thing that William does before time runs away with me.

I’ve always said to everyone who has worked with me how important I think it is to have pictures of your newborn baby. They don’t have to be profesional ones, just as many as you can take to capture that moment in time. I have only taken a few on my Nikon D750 of William, it feels wrong that I haven’t taken more, but my iPhone is full to bursting! He’s 10 weeks old in a few days and those weeks have flown by. He’s already changed so much (he now weighs over a stone, pray for my poor back!) and I’ve already had to pack away his newborn clothes (sob).

Having my second son has reinforced my love of newborn photography sessions at home, it’s so much more natural and i’ve always tried to stay away from poses and props, it’s just not my style. I have ‘nested’ more since William arrived than I did before he was born and am really enjoy the lovely family times at home, baths, stories and the wooden train track everywhere I look. I love to visit new babies and their families at home, I feel really privileged that I have been invited to share some of those precious new moments. I also get much more enjoyment letting the little ones do their own thing and I snap away. There’s absolutely no way you can get my 3 year old to do anything he’s asked at the best of times but as soon as he knows the camera is out he is even more determined to do his own thing and not the thing I’m asking him to do (everyone with a toddler knows exactly what I mean!) so leaving him and his newborn brother to their own devices while a quickly capture their lovely new relationship is much better.

I’m taking a few months of maternity leave to enjoy my precious, sweet little bambino and get us all into a nice routine just before the big one starts full time school in September (I could cry thinking about how grown up he is) but i am always online and taking bookings from June onwards, I've got several due dates already booked in the calendar and can't wait to meet the new arrivals and their Mummies and Daddies.

While I’ve got more time at home you’ll be hearing a lot more of my waffling on . . .

Thanks for reading!

Cordelia xx

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