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The camera never lies . . . . . right?

I wanted to share the funnier side of working with children, the out-takes from a shoot! I thought I would share some finished images (the ones I would normally share) in the first gallery, and the absolute garbage ones I have to trawl through to get to the final product, the ones that go straight in the trash can, to show you the reality of a typical photo shoot (at the bottom of the blog post)

These are from a recent shoot with my own 2 boys, it was the day before William’s first birthday, I really wanted to spend some time with them both to capture their lovely bond around a massive milestone birthday and I was desperate to get some pictures with the snow drops while they were still around, they only last for a few weeks. I had bribed Edward with chocolate after picking him up from school, got him to change out of his school uniform in the car and roped in my mother-in-law for moral support. It was all a bit of a last minute rush job because the weather was so gorgeous and I was running out of time before the big day.

We spent a mad 15 minutes in one of my favourite woods at Hoober near Wentworth, shouting both their names, trying to make them both smile at the same time, trying to get Edward to shove his glasses up his nose, stopping William from grabbing a prickly bramble, and asking Edward to stop putting his hand on William’s face and making it look like he was squeezing him to death. I looked through the images on the back of my camera and thought, there’s no way I’ve got what I want here! I wasn’t going to force them to sit still, I wanted them to enjoy exploring in the wood without their annoying mummy trying to get ‘the shot’ so we played for a bit and then left.

When I looked through the pictures that night I found a few from that mad 15 minutes that I really loved, they were the ones I edited and will print and frame in my house, but there are some I love even more: the ‘out-takes’, the ones that won’t go in frames, and won’t make it onto my website, but sum up a lovely adventure with my boys perfectly and their funny personalities.

I have shared these to show you that a session with children is far from perfect, no one’s children sit still for too long. They are adventurous little humans with their own magical personalities and own minds, and I’m sure most of them (like mine) don’t particularly like being told what to do (it’s written all over William’s face on most of these) We had fun, and that’s really all that matters! Not everything is always as it seems :) The camera never lies, but the photographers might conceal the real truth!

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